Docs / FAQ

inverleigh_bowls                                                                                                                18-09-2024

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Docs / FAQ


Management Documents Policy Documents Good Sports
Constitution Selection Policy Good Sports - How alcohol affects you
General Rules Player Guide / General Information Good Sports - Illegal Drugs learning module
Code of Conduct Conditions of Play Good Sports - Mental Health learning module
Committees Singles Good Sports - guide to Media Management
Dress Regulations Pairs Good Sports - Incident Response Procedure
Food Handling 100 Up
Membership Types Jack's Bash
Membership Application 
Club Bowls Loan Policy  
Function Booking   Good Sports - How Alcohol Affects You
Sponsorship Levels   ADF drug facts education
Robertson Medal Voting   ADF guide to help and support




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Good Sports - Mental Health Support Services


Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: What is Lawn Bowls?
A: Lawn Bowls is the game that takes a second to learn – but a lifetime to master.  Lawn Bowls is a precision sport in which the aim is to roll bowls (slightly radially asymmetrical balls) closest to a smaller yellow/white ball (the "jack" or "kitty"). It is played indoors and outdoors on grass or artificial surfaces. Lawn bowls is usually played on a rectangular, level manicured grass or synthetic surface known as a “green” which is divided into parallel playing strips known as rinks.

Q: Is it easy to learn Lawn Bowls?
A: A novice can pick up the basics in half an hour – and spend the next 50 years trying to master it. Having mastered the basics, one can compete at a level appropriate to the mastery achieved and enjoy doing so for many, many years.

Q: Who can play Lawn Bowls?
A: People of all ages from 5 to 99 can play. People who have been outstanding athletes in other sporting pursuits play with and against many who were never likely to be great athletes, but who can really play bowls! People in wheelchairs, people with visual impairment, people with hearing disorders, people with other intellectual or physical disabilities – all can play the game with people of similar impairments or alongside able-bodied bowlers with little or no modifications to the game itself.

Q: How do I get involved in Lawn Bowls?
A: Contact your local club by dropping in, send an email or phone any of the people on the contact list. One of the best ways is come and try a social bowls day.  This is a relaxed friendly atmosphere where you can try out the game.  The club will loan you some bowls for the day.



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This site was last updated 18-09-2024