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Winners Jack's Bash 2017-18

Marj Peel, Rhonda Reichenau, Vic Leach & Max Peel

Grand Final 2017-18 celebrations

Grand Final 2017-18 celebrations

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

Tony Deppeler, Des Joyce, Vic Leach & Adrian Hurring

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

John Henderson, Mal Johns, Marj Peel & Ken Hopkins

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

Back: David Seiffert, Cam Peel

Front: Chris Johns & Faye Thomas

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

Carol Joyce, Rob Meek, Max Peel & Joy Gray

Winners 2017-18, Saturday Div 5

New Years Eve 2017

New Years Eve 2017

Rhonda Reichenau, June Belleville & Faye Thomas

New Years Eve 2017

New Years Eve 2017

Martin Coote

New Years Eve 2017

Ken Hopkins, Vic Leach, Tony Deppeler, Gary Belleville & Darryl Wilkinson

New Years Eve 2017

Mora Leach, Vic Leach, Ken Hopkins, June Belleville & Rhonda Reichenau

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017

Ken Hopkins

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017

Lesley Johns with Santa

Christmas 2017

Val Robertson and Santa

Christmas 2017

Mal Johns with Santa

Christmas 2017

Mora Leach with Santa

Christmas 2017

Ken Hopkins and Marj Peel with Santa

Christmas 2017

Jenny Peel, June Belleville, JuneOliver, Joy Johnson & Max Peel

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David Giblett

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

Rob Meek

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

Barb Young, Adrian Hurring, Mal Johns & Mo Callaway

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

Des Joyce, Helen Gaylard & ?

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

?, ?, June Oliver & Des Joyce

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

Tony Deppeler, Vic Leach & Bill Oriander

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

David's Day 02-10-2016 and club's 30th birthday

The Club from above.

The Club from above.

The Club from above.

Teamwork installing new shade.

John Henderson, Helen Gaylard, John Croft, Tony Schapese and Max Peel

Teamwork installing new shade.

Teamwork installing new shade.

David Seiffert & Max Peel

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

New light towers installed June 2013

Steve Young & Assistant

New light towers installed June 2013

Presentation night 2015-16

Presentation night 2015-16

Helen Gaylard & Carol Joyce

Presentation night 2015-16

Mal Johns, Cam Peel & Des Joyce

Presentation night 2015-16

Helen Gaylard, Carol Joyce & Faye Thomas

Presentation night 2015-16

Ken Hopkins & Max Peel

Presentation night 2015-16

Des Joyce & Ian Treglowan

Presentation night 2015-16, life members, Val Robertson, Vic & Mora Leach

Opening night for the new lights 20-09-2013

Opening night for the new lights 20-09-2013

Opening night for the new lights 20-09-2013

Opening night for the new lights 20-09-2013

David Giblett

Premiers Saturday Div 7 2012-13

Premiers Saturday Div 7 2012-13

Lorraine Myers, Vic Leach, Shaun Myers & Ken Hopkins

Premiers Saturday Div 7 2012-13

Steve Young, Brenda Kerr, Ross Kerr & Ian Treglowan

Premiers Saturday Div 7 2012-13

Helen Gaylard, Danny Kelly, Max Peel & David Seiffert

Premiers Saturday Div 7 2012-13

Rob Meek, Ollie Myers, John Henderson & Cam Peel

Premiers Saturday Div 10, 2011-12

Steve Young, Suzy Coleman, Shaun Myers, Lorraine Myers, Kevin McDonald, Mark Coleman, Ian Treglowan, Ken Hopkins & Helen Gaylard

Premiers Saturday Div 10, 2011-12

Helen Gaylard, Mark & Suzy Coleman & Steve Young

Premiers Saturday Div 10, 2011-12

Ken Hopkins, Ian Treglowan, Lorraine & Shaun Myers

David's Day 15/09/2012

David's Day 15/09/2012

David's Day 15/09/2012

David's Day 15/09/2012

David's Day 15/09/2012, runner's up

Brenda Kerr, Vic Leach, Ollie Myers, ?, Tony Schapese & David Giblett

David's Day 15/09/2012, Winners

Lorraine Myers, Steve Young, ?, & David Giblett

Social bowls during winter

Social bowls during winter

Social bowls during winter

Graham Robertson in the blue jumper

Presentation Night 28-4-2018

A great formal affair.

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, winners of Jack's Bash. Vic & Rhonda, presented by Max

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, winners of pairs John and Danny, presented by Des to John

Presentation Night 28-4-2018

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, Winner Men's 100up Des presented by Max

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, winner Ladies100up Marj presented by Des and Max

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, winner of most improved Marj presented by Ken

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, Men's Singles Champ Rob presented by Cam

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, Ladies Singles Champ, Joy presented by Faye

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, winner of Elbow Grease Award, Des presented by Marj for Helen

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, also Rhonda's 70th.

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, we did say Formal!!

Gary and David looking good.

Presentation Night 28-4-2018

Joan, Joy, Carol, Marj, Barb, Vic & Rob

Presentation Night 28-4-2018

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, Peter Trevaskis

Presentation Night 28-4-2018, our 3 Saturday selectors that did a fantastic job for the season.


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This site was last updated 17-09-2022